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Saturday, September 24, 2016

hi all, Justin here. how have your week been? As for me, recess week is here and i guess i finally have a chance to take a deep breath... School wise, its been all cool ( after all, i guess only her smile is the only thing that really rejuvenates me) hm...i guess she don't really like me, i guess... there goes my hopes of ever asking her out... all i can do is observe her from a distance away ( damn...i sound like a stalker, but trust me, i ain't one...just love to see her smile i guess...) oh well...other than that... my heart starts screaming more frequently now as i start to fall back into the room filled with grasping darkness,waiting to engulf me... it starting to hurt really badly and its really stressing me out mentally...not like a lunatic, of course...i meant it feels really painful and the hurt usually goes on for a long time...sigh....i know that in life,it goes up and down frequently...i guess i am just ranting like an idiot, sorry to those whom have read all this nonsensical rant i made...just trying to describe how i feel when my heart starts to scream...sorry... anyways...you guys have a good week ahead of you... ~smile~

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Monday, September 19, 2016

Hey guys its been 3 years since i last blogged. How have you been? As for me, its been 3 years of ups and downs. Lots of things happened on the way, from major set backs and feeling extreme anger, frustrations and stressed to finding new friends, having someone whose smile is as sweet as the goddess's fruits (just love the way she smile, though she most probably have no idea about it), and gaining new knowledge. But i just hope i will be able to catch up as life moves on since i am barely surviving from all the workload weighing on me. I look forward to blogging again. I am sorry for disappearing without saying anything and i hope to see you guys soon. And remember, please smile upon leaving since smiles are important to me as they are the only thing that keeps me going since i am always easily depressed and always screaming out loud in my heart, waiting for someone to end my misery and my curse.

++ Memory Stored ++



justin jong from the class of animals
from the NTU guild
current level is 22
Animal species:Sloth
Arcana type:Fools

Sign off



Past Memories

  • .. November 2008
  • .. December 2008
  • .. January 2009
  • .. February 2009
  • .. March 2009
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  • .. October 2009
  • .. July 2010
  • .. August 2010
  • .. November 2010
  • .. November 2012
  • .. January 2013
  • .. July 2013
  • .. October 2013
  • .. September 2016

  • Credits

    Designer: Aucifan
    Image: Kingdom Hearts 2
    Software: Adobe Photoshop