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Monday, January 28, 2013

Hi guys haha today i thought i will just create another post here on a monday no idea why ahahhaha anyways how are all of you today? whats up guys? haha well.....i have no idea why lots of people are dying during this month of the year,January why does it have to be this way? i have no idea sigh...... now the current issue is about the issue that recently happened when 2 boys were dead in a crash in tampinese i hope things will settle down soon sigh..... the stressful time has come as tests start to come in as well as interviews hope they will go well and hope i can maintain in my studies :) well....at least i got sometime to relax too in between studies like playing LoL and all haha well.... gonna stop here i guess have fun ~smile~ ~sloth~

++ Memory Stored ++

Thursday, January 24, 2013

hi guys its been a while how are you guys? lol had a great birthday yesterday though there isnt any celebration but i manage to receive 2 drawings from my "daughter" and my "mei" haha and they are really good at drawing hahaha at night nothing much happened but my sis suprise me with pies which was bought from vivo city's pie paradise SO DELICIOUS!!!!!>.< and some other food my mom bought back taste great too haha so overall its a nice birthday i guess alittle of normal life and a little of birthday life oh and my classmates sang birthday song for me so thanks guys appreciate it hahahah officially 19 years old now haha 2 more years to watch r21 shows but this also means i am older by 1 year again hahaha anyways i got to go now i shall do my video diary soon :) cya

++ Memory Stored ++

Thursday, January 17, 2013

hi guys :) been awhile hows life everyone? haha nothing much really happened to me only some incidents with bad luck but also got some nice events that happen to me a few days ago ahhaha other than that,nothing much really happened to me been so busy lately to play LoL so i usually play ai bots intermediate ver. haha and it seems like a new ranked system is going to be implemented into the game and i am looking forward to it haha but i guess i must train well first :) and exams are coming soon i guess planning to focus more on exams and try to get the first win of the day then i guess it will be ok for me :) cant wait to see todays match at 9pm where sgs.hyhy is gonna play haha the first game he scored a quadra kill in game wonder when will he get a penta kill in his interview,he said glxy.reina slaughtered him in game and since then he want to pay her back the hospitality she has shown him haha i really wonder what will happen if they battle again haha looking forward to it anyways i gotta go now i see you guys later ~smile~ ~sloth~

++ Memory Stored ++

Thursday, January 3, 2013

hi guys its been awhile yes its the 4th day of a new year and i sincerely wish everyone a very happy new year and wish that you guys will have plenty of happy memories in this years as well as the years to come... hahah come to think of it,my recent 2 posts including this post is been created in sch either before lesson starts or during my break,as well as i created my own video journal where i will talk about what happened recently as well as dedications to my other friends. hahaha well things have been ok.. manage to get a good grade for micro processor module as well as for my lab test for digital network communication module... hope i can keep this up and also hope i can maintain... its a new year now and so i guess i will try my best for this year too hahah hope i can be successful in the things i do of course..same goes for you guys hahaha hope you guys too can be successful in the things you do well... its gonna be my birthday soon but i wonder if anyone will even remember,excluding my family members... hahaha 19 years old already i guess getting older with each passing year yet making more and more precious memories as time flow by i guess its a trade and i guess its worth it coz no one's life will be complete without any memories of themselves nor happy moments with their loved ones as well as friends :) circle of life i guess hahahahahha well....i guess i should stop here for now i will try to update my blog now and then so yea have fun ~Sloth~

++ Memory Stored ++



justin jong from the class of animals
from the NTU guild
current level is 22
Animal species:Sloth
Arcana type:Fools

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Past Memories

  • .. November 2008
  • .. December 2008
  • .. January 2009
  • .. February 2009
  • .. March 2009
  • .. April 2009
  • .. May 2009
  • .. June 2009
  • .. August 2009
  • .. October 2009
  • .. July 2010
  • .. August 2010
  • .. November 2010
  • .. November 2012
  • .. January 2013
  • .. July 2013
  • .. October 2013
  • .. September 2016

  • Credits

    Designer: Aucifan
    Image: Kingdom Hearts 2
    Software: Adobe Photoshop