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Sunday, August 22, 2010

hi guys....
i m back.....
oh ya...
i manage to pass my chinese o levels exam....
tats the happy thing...
the sad thing is tat my friend hate me even more....
i think tat the person still remembers wat happen at the study camp...
it seems tat person still hav not forgiven me yet....
i think i shld change myself....
i guess reflecting on myself is a good thing to do...
lesson learned....
think be4 u act....
after all...
a change in the past is a change in the present...
a change in the present is a change in the future...
i guess nothing is too late...
its seems like things will get worse if i dont change myself....
i will try my best to make it up to that person...
after all that person is one of my friend...
a good friend....
a trustworthy friend....
a concerning friend....
as well as a true friend....
maybe tat person does not think so...
but i do at least....
oh ya....
time to continue wit the fanfics....
our hero,Ein, saw a gal in trouble...
a gal who hav a pendant of a crystal which shines brightly as soon as Ein saw it...
now time to go on wit the story....
Ein immediately sense something was wrong with the appearance of a mixed golem...
so he decided to help the gal...
he pulled out his gladius and unleash a power strike towards the mixed golem...
however it did not even scratch the golem...
its like it is immune to normal attacks...
he then called the gal to use a cold beam against the golem...
yet again did it not scratch the goelm...
it even made it furious...
this coz the golem to smash the ground,cozing an earthquake...
in order to protect the gal....
he jump rite in front of the gal...
in the process...
he accidentally touched the pendant...
there was a blast of light bursting thru the crystal...
the glow inside the crystal shot straight into his heart...
"use me...."
"shout my name..."
"after all u r the descendent of the people who sealed me up"
"now it seems i can sense a new evil in the world who is challenging me..."
"it seems its time i will do wat i feel is rite..."
"shout my name...."
"u shld noe my name by now as yr parents shld hav told u abt it...."
"shout it....NOW!!!"
his heart resonated wit the crystals....
the words appeared in his mind....
ancient runes was encarved in his soul....
he finally commanded...
as soon as he shouted the words...
a halbert wit a mysterious aura appeared in his hands..
there was 12 indents on the halbert and 1 indent was equiped with the crystal the gal was carrying....
wat power does this weapon hold?...
wat will happen?....
find out next time....
got to go...

++ Memory Stored ++

Thursday, August 12, 2010

hey guys...
how r u?...
tmr o levels english oral liao....
very nervous but still ok...
oh ya...
as for the plot for the fanfics...
i hav not got the time to think abt it so ya...
sry abt tat...
now i hav don dare to look at someone...
my friend...
i juz feel alittle guilty looking at her...
after all during the camp..
i cause her to get scolding from the teacher when she scold me out of good will...
i juz i m juz a timid guy...
i dont even dare to say sry to her...
i guess i need to go liao....
tok abt it next time...

++ Memory Stored ++

Sunday, August 1, 2010

yo guys...
how r u?...
i m back...
there is nothing much that happen this week...
i manage to finish my SGC thingy...
now abt my fanfiction writing...
i now tot of the plot alr...
it will be this beginner who was born from the ancient city of Thor..
His father was one of the best swordsman in the world...
his mother was the most powerful archmage and bioshop in the city...
the child's name was Ein...
life was good...
good times never stay for long...
as they say..
"a change in past is a change in the present"
"a change in present is a change in the future"
his mother and father was battling against the most feared person amongst the 3 nations(the city of thor,the city of Ferir,and the city of Odin"
His name was Seth,the god of Ragnarok...
Ein's parents managed to seal Seth into 12 crystals in exchange for their lives..
Ein grows up and became a swordsman....
he was walking along the plains one day when he saw something...
something that change his life...
he saw a gal...
she was wearing a wierd looking costume but she was wearing a pendant containing a crystal...
the crystal had some shining in it...
it glew as soon as Ein saw it...
however the gal was in trouble...
she encountered a Mixed golem which was supposedly found in the city of Dark Ruins..
wat will happen after that?,...
its getting late...
i gotto go...
tell u guys the other part next time...

++ Memory Stored ++



justin jong from the class of animals
from the NTU guild
current level is 22
Animal species:Sloth
Arcana type:Fools

Sign off



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  • Credits

    Designer: Aucifan
    Image: Kingdom Hearts 2
    Software: Adobe Photoshop