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Friday, July 23, 2010

hi guys.....
i was surfing my facebook juz now...
when i came across some quiz...
i did it and it gave me some unbelievable ans which i think cant happen to me...
except the one abt death i think...
i donno....
anything can happen....
life is full of unpredictable stuff i guess.....
after the quizes...
i can across a friends's photo album...
it looks quite interesting....
as i was browsing thru the pictures...
i saw my friend with another boy....
i think they look quite nice together....
after all their personality match and i think they will make a good couple...
who noes...
i may be rite...
maybe a few years from now...
when they mature...
they may eventually start going out wit each other...
and who noes...
they may get married to each other...
nothing is certain....
but the pic of them is nice...
they do hav a radiant look together on the face...
its like their portrait are shining in my eyes...
i guess if possible...
they may be made for each other....
after all...
i onli wish for their happiness as they are my friends...
i do noe alittle about their personalities and they match....
thats all abt wat i saw today on facebook...
oh ya...
i decided to rewrite the fanfiction i was writing....
i think there were too many characters there....
so i decided to rewrite it wit fewer characters in it....
maybe i will go wit...
a lvl 177 paladin,Shiba,good with forgeries...
a lvl 190 bishop,Genie,good wit alchemy and chemistry...
a lvl 143 Archmage,Weiyn,good wit fire and poison magic...
a lvl 120 Archmage,Seiyn,good wit lightning and ice magic...
a lvl 180 Hero,Loki,good wit swords and has the rune sword as his family's heirloom...
a lvl 167 Night Lord,Janine,good wit claws and uses 1000 sets of crystal ilibi...
a lvl 186 shadower,Jason,good wit daggers...
a lvl 188 bowmaster,Roxas,good wit bows and uses 1000 sets of 1000 diamond arrows....
and a lvl 177 crossbow master,Achillies,good wit xbows and use 1000 sets of 1000 crystal bolts...
time to sleep...
will update more next time....
bye bye...
oyasuminasai mina(goodnight everyone)....

++ Memory Stored ++

hi guys....
i felt it again......
that excruciating pain on my heart....
i dont noe y.....
its more painful than even a knife piercing thru it.....
i donno wat this means...
i guess finding the answer will be wat i will be doing next....
i hav no idea where to start from...
i guess i must look more closer....
i hope this pain will go away soon.....
its too unbearable.....
its makes me feel like i can go berserk anytime.....
i need some help....
i always have tis feeling when i see my friends....
i cant sleep my usual naps....
i will always get a headache or something....
i hav a feeling that this is related to the incident....
i guess i hav no choice but to accept punishment.....
i guess nothing much happen today.....
i just hav an urge to keep studying and studying....
i donno y....
its time to stop blogging...
this memory is too long alr....
i guess it is nothing less than a painful and tiresome memory to remember...
but its still my memory...
and i guess the onli way to overcome it is to face it...
not to run away from it...
like this...
i can emerge a stronger person...
i wan to look back at this memory a few years from now....
then i will noe that i hav been thru this experience and have learnt from it...
perhaps this might teach my friends when they encounter the same problem...
i guess this is a precious memory as well as a precious lesson to me...
it might oso be to u so don forget...
k now...
bye guys....

++ Memory Stored ++

Thursday, July 22, 2010

today is the worst day of this year
this is all because of my big mouth.........
so this is my fault..........
i was in the wrong mindset yesterday....
donno wat has gotten into me....
now i feel so guilty towards the class....
it felt like i betrayed them....
my friends....
my companions...
my teammates....
(however they may not think of me as that, especially now)
i donno wat to do now....
but hope they will give me one more chance to do something...
something which could mend the mistakes i made...
i hav a feeling that tmr they will critisize me for wat i did...
i cant really blame them fordoing that....
its all becoz of me.....
hope tmr will be the day which they will giv me one more chance to make up for my mistakes...
now on to today's event...
i am starting to write a story on maplestory(fanfiction)....
this might be a good thing as it may help me improve on my english
maybe if i am free....
i might post it online for u guys to c....
feel free to rate it and leave yr comments on the story....
its very late alr so oyasuminasai mina(goodnight guys)...
hope tmr will be a better day for all of us and hope that...
my friends...
my companions....
my teammates...
will forgive me soon.....
as well as trust me again soon...
and hope my mouth will shut up when its time to shut up...
as well as hope i noe what to say and what not to say
may the mana goddess shine upon u guys

++ Memory Stored ++

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

so long have not blog alr
how have all of u been?
looks like i start doing the.... thingy alr
who noes maybe it will come back soon
muz be taking a nap now nia
speaking of the devil,
there it is......
i got to go liao

++ Memory Stored ++



justin jong from the class of animals
from the NTU guild
current level is 22
Animal species:Sloth
Arcana type:Fools

Sign off



Past Memories

  • .. November 2008
  • .. December 2008
  • .. January 2009
  • .. February 2009
  • .. March 2009
  • .. April 2009
  • .. May 2009
  • .. June 2009
  • .. August 2009
  • .. October 2009
  • .. July 2010
  • .. August 2010
  • .. November 2010
  • .. November 2012
  • .. January 2013
  • .. July 2013
  • .. October 2013
  • .. September 2016

  • Credits

    Designer: Aucifan
    Image: Kingdom Hearts 2
    Software: Adobe Photoshop